Many older veterans are unaware that they can qualify for financial help in paying for the cost of home care. Most veterans complete their military service and move on with their lives without looking to the VA for help. But VA pension benefits can become important for these veterans later in life. To qualify for VA pension the veteran must be 65 or older, or permanently disabled for reasons not related to military service. In addition, the veteran must have low income and only modest new worth. The veteran must have had 90 days of military service that included at least one day during a period of war. To receive a pension, the veteran’s income must be below the maximum annual pension rate set by the government. Because medical expenses reduce countable income, an aging veteran who needs ongoing long-term care services and supports may now be able to qualify for financial assistance from the VA, says Anné Desormier-Cartwright, of Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA. The extra funds can make all the difference in allowing the veteran to get the support needed to remain at home. Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA is a law office small enough to provide personal service but large enough to handle all of your state and planning needs.