Individuals with special needs often face much greater challenges compared to those without special needs. Quality of life can be compromised and added expenses may come into play. These individuals frequently rely on public benefits to help them to meet these costs. But the benefits often fail to meet all the needs of the disabled person. A special needs trust can help bridge the gap between public benefits and what the person really needs. The trust is specifically identified to meet certain supplemental needs and the enhance the quality of life for the beneficiary. The special needs person. Most importantly, the special needs trust is created so as not to disqualify the beneficiary for public benefits being received. Says Anne Desormier-Cartwright, of Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys, PA. A special needs attorney is essential for determining the right type of trust and how to construct it so a special needs person gets every benefit they’re entitled to. Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA is a law office small enough to provide personal service but large enough to handle all of your estate and planning needs.