Making changes to your revocable trust

A revocable trust clearly states where your property should go after you die, helping family members avoid probating your will. But what happens if you want to change that trust? Should you amend it or start over? The general rule of thumb is if you want to make just one or two changes, then making an amendment is the best way to go. Simple changes allow you to make sure your wishes are fulfilled. Anne Desormier-Cartwright of Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA says, “Unfortunately, there’s no hard and fast rule “when it comes to amending or restating a revocable trust. “It’s like a recipe card that you’ve used over and over. “If you make a change or two to the recipe, “you’ll still get a great dish. “The more you change, the more confusing the recipe becomes “and you may have a disaster on your hands.” In that case, you may want to consider creating a new document from scratch, taking into consideration which loved ones will get which possessions. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused when talking about your revocable trust, but there is help and guidance available to you. Anne Desormier-Cartwright and the attorneys at Elder and Estate Planning PA have the experience it takes to make this process easy. Contact them today at 888-933-9992 or visit