When it comes to your children, safety is of the utmost importance. The arrival of summer typically means that many children are out of school and participating in more outdoor activities. Unfortunately, research tells us that the number of accidents involving children tend to increase during the summer months. To help protect your minor children, the best defense is planning ahead, which is why we want to share with you a few safety tips to keep your children safe this summer.
First, did you know that drowning is the leading cause of death among children ages one to four? This summer, your minor children may be participating in various different summer camps, some of which may involve water-related activities. While these activities are a great way to engage in physical activity, and for your children to have fun, an accident can happen in a matter of moments. We encourage you to always make sure your child will be supervised when he or she is around water. Further, if your child is not an especially strong swimmer, ensure that he or she has access to floaties, as well as a life jacket if necessary.
Second, the summer heat can affect us all, regardless of how old we are. Younger children, however, are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures. As this summer is set to see record-breaking temperatures, it is especially important to make sure that your child is protected when outdoors. Taking a few simple precautions, such as making sure your child applies sunscreen each day, has a cover-up and cap, and is regularly drinking water can help protect your child from dehydration and other heat-related illnesses.
Above all, you know your child’s limitations better than anyone else. If you are aware that your child requires special accommodations or needs a little extra help with certain activities, do not hesitate to share this knowledge with whomever is supervising your child this summer. Being proactive and planning ahead can help provide you with peace of mind and allow your child to have a fun, but safe, summer.
If this article raises more questions than it answers for you, do not hesitate to ask us your questions. Your child’s safety is important to us, and we are here to be a resource for you. We look forward to discussing your questions and supporting you with your particular needs.